Cottage Industries, Inc // Wayne, PA

Here are some excepted selections from a project I shot for Cottage Industries, Inc.

This was a whole-house renovation, and we started off downstairs. The sun was not working in our favor this afternoon, so I pulled out one of my favorite time-tested architectural photography tricks to inject some life into the room (using a combination of strobe and photoshop, that is). The homeowner's cat did NOT want to cooperate with us, but we finally got her to stay still for a brief moment, and I composited her into the final image. 

The kitchen shot in the gallery below required a similar amount of photoshop magic, but I think it turned out really well. Before twilight hit, I captured a tiny guest-room bathroom using a "stitch-shift," to show a larger frame without suffering the distortion caused by using an ultra-wide angle lens. We wrapped up the shoot with my favorite architectural photography pastime: waiting outside all night to capture the entire range of sunset. These twilight photos are certainly time-consuming, but when the image comes together, the final result always makes the required hours of shooting and retouching worthwhile.